Pickles & Relish

Pickles & Relish

What’s in a Pickle

Our supplier’s processing capability for brine stock includes washing, grading, sorting and holding freshly harvested raw stock in brine tasks until ready to further process. Our fresh stock preparation takes field fresh stock and washes, sorts, grades and preps cucumbers for fresh cold bulk shipments as well as in house use.

They have one of the fastest field-to-fermentation times in the industry. Once you taste our pickles you’ll immediately appreciate our rapid picked-to-pickling time – 12 to 36 hours faster than our competition. It’s this speed that translates into a better, fresher, tasting product for you and your customers.

Our Quality








Fields of Green

Our customers demand quality and an unquestionable amount of inventory. We have one of the largest single tanking fields and brining facilities in one location in the United States. Our current processing capability represents over 80 million pounds of premium cucumbers and pickling products every year. Let us prove why our pickle and relish products are the very best.

Let’s Get Chilled

Our Refrigerated Pickles continue to be a hot commodity in the industry as more and more consumers are demanding better quality ingredients. Packed fresh directly in the pail where the brine solution is absorbed into the pickle, this process allows for the crispiest pickle in the market!

Shelf Stable Pickles

Refrigerated Pickles

Relish & Cubes


Packaging Options

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