Peppers & Pimentos

Peppers & Pimentos

Fields of Red

For over seven decades, our supplier has nurtured their crop to its peak in color and flavor, then pick and process peppers within hours of harvesting. Their traditional flame roasting unlocks the natural sugar within each pepper. The robust, sweet smoky flavor is one we are proud to call our own.

Get Roasted

Roasted vegetables are among the top trends in today’s food service. When it comes to roasted peppers, nothing matches the vibrant color and sweet smoky flavor of our roasted bell peppers. Taste for yourself!

Our Quality








Broad Coverage

Our Peppers & Pimientos are available nationwide through a network of outside warehouses or we can ship direct. It’s as easy as opening a can!

Red Bell Peppers

Roasted Red Peppers

Other Bell Peppers


Marinated Bell Peppers

Packaging Options

Pepper Facts

Never Send a Small Can to do a Big Can’s Job: If your production requires a lot off peppers or pimentos in a hurry, our 55-gallon stainless steel drum is the answer. Each drum equals about 14 cases or 84 #10 cans. Just another way we bring convenience to increase your production efficiencies.

Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers are prepared from fresh, sound pods of the Capsicum annum pepper plant. The product is preserved via controlled acidification in conjunction with a pasteurized heat process. This is a commercially sterile product.


Pimentos are prepared from fresh, sound pods of the pimento variety of the Capsicum annum plant. The product is preserved via controlled acidification in conjunction with a pasteurized heat process. This is a commercially sterile product.

Roasted Bell Peppers

Roasted Bell Peppers are prepared from fresh, sound pods of the Capsicum annum pepper plant. The pods are roasted by a proprietary open flame method, which produces a unique roasted pepper flavor. After the pods are roasted, the pods are scrubbed to remove most of the charred peel. The core, seeds, and stem are then removed. The product is preserved via controlled acidification in conjunction with a pasteurized heat process. This is a commercially sterile product.

Recommended Storage

Store under cool, dry conditions, Avoid temperatures above 80⁰ for long periods of time to ensure maximum shelf life of 48 months.

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